Dolomite is a carbonate mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO3)2. It is a common sedimentary rock-forming mineral that can be found in massive beds several hundred feet thick. Dolomite is used as an ornamental stone, a concrete aggregate and as source of magnesium oxide.
Where calcite limestone is uncommon or too costly, Dolomite is sometimes used in its place as a flux for the smelting of iron and steel. Large quantities of processed dolomite are used in the production of float glass. In horticulture, Dolomite and dolomitic limestone are added to soils and soilless potting mixes to lower their acidity and as a magnesium source. Home and container gardening are common examples of this use.The chemical industries are using the mineral dolomite in the making of magnesium salts including magnesia, magnesium oxide (MgO), which is used in pharmaceuticals.
Dolomite Powder that is suitable for making white detergent cakes. Our range is natural form of calcium magnesium carbonate that has high degree of whiteness. White colored Dolomite Powder is used in manufacturing various products like soap, detergent, paints, ceramics and many more.
Dolomite is important mineral filler for paint manufacture. It imparts several benefits to the paint. Dolomite is a hard mineral. Thus, it imparts scrub resistance to the paint. Moreover, it offers tremendous durability to the paint film against weathering. Dolomite has low oil absorption. Dolomite powder is highly dispersible and doesn’t clump together. This ensures homogeneous filler distribution in the paint which is important for uniform consistency in the paint.
Dolomite is also used in converters to maintained MgO levels in the steelmaking slags. It also acts as a slag modifier in case of slag splashing. Burnt dolomite is also used for making refractory bricks for the purpose of lining in steel melting shop. The Dolomite Powder is extensively used in Iron & Steel Industries due to its strength and compatibility in process of purifying Iron & Steel. Natural Dolomite Powder is of White Color and issued as Filler in many applications such as Soap & Detergent, Paints, Ceramics and many other Industries.
High-grade dolomite with as low Iron and Silica content as possible is required by the glass industry. Glass grade dolomite is typified by its purity and consistency. Dolomite is a double carbonate of calcium and magnesium (CaCO3, MgCO3). The chief undesirable impurities are iron followed by chromite, manganese, vanadium and lead, all of which may cause defects in the float glass or color glass. For certain commercial colorless glass the Fe2O3 content up to 0.25% is permissible, but for pure colorless glass, Fe2O3 content of 0.04% (max) is sometimes specified.
Dolomite also serves as an oil and gas reservoir rock. During the conversion of calcite to dolomite, a volume reduction occurs. This can produce pore spaces in the rock that can be filled with oil or natural gas that migrate in as they are released from other rock units. This makes the dolomite a reservoir rock and a target of oil and gas drilling.